About • February 28, 2023
"We're using this technique to treat dozens of men with BPH each month," said Dr. Sahil Mehta. "In the last year alone [2020], we've treated more than 100 men who sought alternatives to TURP or urological procedures. It's incredible how effective PAE is in reducing symptoms and providing a novel, extremely minimally invasive solution."
“Chronic pain can be debilitating, often negatively impacting the lives of not just the patients, but their family members and those around them,” explained Dr. Muneeb Ahmed. “I am very happy that cryoablation worked well to resolve Jennifer’s chronic endometrioma-induced pain, and that it has let her return to doing the things that she enjoys."
Women can obtain near-complete relief of their bleeding or ‘bulk symptoms’ after uterine artery embolization and preserve their uterus,” explained Dr. Julie Bulman. “It’s amazing to see a patient go home the same day and recover in the comfort of her own home rather than be in the hospital for an extended recovery after hysterectomy."